This summer the New Jersey delegation of the People to People Student Ambassador Program will be traveling to Japan.

The student travel program dates back more than half a century to its founding by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. Eisenhower was acting on his firm belief that direct interaction between ordinary citizens around the world can promote cultural understanding and world peace.

Join us as we travel through Japan on an amazing journey to get to know the country, the culture and each other.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today we flew to Kyushu, one of the four main islands that make up Japan. Kyushu is translated to “Nine Provinces.” We drove to a small island called Hirado. Upon arriving in town we walked to the Mayor's office where we were warmly welcomed.  The local community hung American flags along the street to make us feel welcome.
     During Japan’s period of isolationism, Hirado was a major center of foreign trade, especially with the Chinese and the Dutch.
Our Homestay Coordinator, Satoshi takes us on a walking tour of the town.

We receive a warm welcome from the Mayor

Looking down on Hirado 
 Karen & Barbara
Tea Ceremony

 Sabrina - "Cleansing" before the tea ceremony

Preparing the Tea

Buddhist Temple Priest

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