This summer the New Jersey delegation of the People to People Student Ambassador Program will be traveling to Japan.

The student travel program dates back more than half a century to its founding by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. Eisenhower was acting on his firm belief that direct interaction between ordinary citizens around the world can promote cultural understanding and world peace.

Join us as we travel through Japan on an amazing journey to get to know the country, the culture and each other.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fishing in Noko

     Half of our group stayed in the village of Noko, a remote fishing village on the southern most point of the island of Hirado. Our host families took us out to learn about what they do.  We boarded small fishing boats and headed for the open sea.

     About 3 miles out, we stopped the boats by the nets that have been placed in the waters.  We hauled our catch in the nets and helped to scoop up the fish.  The jumped like popcorn as we put them in the storage bins.  Most of the fish were mackerel.

     It was pretty amazing to see how the fish are caught.  We have a deep appreciation of the job that our host fathers and mothers do every day.
Michael get the catch of the day!
Sabrina and Sara

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